Trials Fusion melds the classic, proven Trials formula of simple yet addictive competition with the social and visual breakthroughs of the next generation of gaming.
- The essence of trials: Trials Fusion retains and enhances the vital features from the best-selling and critically acclaimed games Trials Evolution and Trials HD:
- Intuitive and addictive physics gameplay
- Multiplayer
- Skill games
- Track Editor & Sharing
- Leader Boards
- Global Competition
- Trials Evolved: Trials Fusion will also forge ahead with a first-in-class physics trick system, next-gen social features, and much more:
- Futuristic, high-tech world
- FMX Physics Tricks System
- Next-gen visuals
- New social features
- Linked to mobile, the right way
- Six new bikes
- A bigger world to create tracks
- The add of challenges
Trials fusion has also included an acheivement quest, where you find squirrels by bailing out in suspicious places.